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| Дата: Суббота, 11.01.2014, 18:11 | Сообщение # 1681 |
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| Дата: Понедельник, 13.01.2014, 09:48 | Сообщение # 1682 |
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Strahl was first elected as MP for the riding of Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon in 1993 and retired in 2011 after serving as Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Affairs, Minister of Transport and Infrastructure and Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons. In June 2012, Strahl was appointed chair of SIRC, which provides Parliament and the Canadian public with an external review of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and also investigates complaints concerning CSIS. According to a report http://www.cpaireland.ie/hollisterireland.asp?abercrombiedublinid=6540&hollister-warehouses-for-sale/ - hollister warehouses for sale in the Vancouver Observer, two weeks before the Dec. 19, 2013 http://www.cpaireland.ie/hollisterireland.asp?abercrombiedublinid=3393&david-abercrombie/ - david abercrombie decision of the National Energy Board鈥檚 Joint Review Panel on the Enbridge pipeline project, Strahl and his firm Chuck Strahl Consulting Inc. registered as a B.C. provincial lobbyist and listed the Enbridge subsidiary as his client starting Dec. 6. The report stated that Strahl鈥檚 registration declared he was targeting B.C.鈥檚 Natural Gas Development Minister Rich Coleman to arrange a meeting with Northern Gateway representatives on the subject of 鈥渆nergy,鈥?and that Strahl stated he is lobbying on their behalf until June 2014. 鈥淚 do some contract work http://www.cpaireland.ie/hollisterireland.asp?abercrombiedublinid=2619&abercrombie-sunglasses-sale/ - abercrombie sunglasses sale for Enbridge,鈥?Strahl told the Observer, an online newspaper. 鈥淚鈥檝e registered just in case I arrange a meeting, but no meetings to report.鈥? Strahl 鈥?who is also director and chair of the Manning Centre for Building Democracy, which is dedicated to building Canada鈥檚 conservative movement 鈥?couldn鈥檛 be reached for comment on the matter Monday by The Vancouver Sun. However, Cullen said that as a former minister, Strahl is prohibited from federal lobbying, although vague guidelines mean he could skirt the rules and lobby the province, even on a federal pipeline issue. Cullen said the matter follows earlier reports of CSIS caught 鈥渟pying on Canadians opposed to the pipeline that Mr. Strahl is now paid to lobby for.鈥? 鈥淐anadians were already concerned about the federal government using CSIS and the Canada Revenue Agency to target environmental groups and charities 鈥?now we learn the chair of CSIS鈥檚 civilian oversight committee is a paid pipeline lobbyist,鈥?Cullen said. 鈥淭his just further undermines people鈥檚 confidence in the fairness of the pipeline approval process.鈥? Meanwhile, ForestEthics Advocacy is calling for Strahl to step down as chair of SIRC, saying he鈥檚 in a 鈥渃onflict of interest.鈥? The environmental group, which is also calling on Strahl to rescind his registration to lobby on behalf of Enbridge or any other energy company, said it found Strahl鈥檚 lobbying for Enbridge raised disturbing questions about the relationship between the Harper government and the oil industry. 鈥淚t provides further evidence that the government may be using the CSIS to support private oil http://www.cpaireland.ie/hollisterireland.asp?abercrombiedublinid=17&a-f-in-dublin/ - a f in dublin industry interests,鈥?ForestEthics said in a release. Regulators have conditionally approved Enbridge鈥檚 proposed $8-billion Northern Gateway pipeline, which would see Alberta bitumen flow through B.C. to Kitimat. The federal government has not yet said whether it will allow the project to proceed. The review committee鈥檚 last chairman, Arthur Porter, resigned in November 2011 amid questions about his private business dealings. bmorton@vancouversun.com With files from The Canadian Press漏 Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun聽聽聽E-mail this ArticlePrint this ArticleShare this Article聽聽聽 We encourage all readers to share their views on our articles and blog posts. We are committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion, so we ask you to avoid personal attacks, and please keep your comments relevant and respectful. If you encounter a comment that http://www.cpaireland.ie/hollisterireland.asp?abercrombiedublinid=457&abercrombie-and-fitch-ireland-dublin/ - abercrombie and fitch ireland dublin is abusive, click the "X" in the upper right corner of http://www.cpaireland.ie/hollisterireland.asp?abercrombiedublinid=4154&hollister-clearance-outerwear/ - hollister clearance outerwear the comment box to report spam or abuse. We are using Facebook commenting. 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